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This is the official home of all U'mista Kwak̓wala Programming and resources.
G̱ilakas'la - Welcome

U'mista Kwak̓wala Language Declaration
Wiga'xa̱n's 'wi'la yaḵ̓a̱nt̓ala sa̱n's yaḵ̓a̱ndas
Let us all speak our language
Dała xa̱n's łaxwa'yasa̱n's Ḵ̓wa̱lsḵ̓wal'yakw
Carry on with the spirit of our old people
It belongs to us
Part of U'mista Language Declaration
Created by 'Na̱mnasolag̱a, G̱wimo'las & 'Ma̱mxu'yug̱wa.

Language Revitalization Planning Project
We are proud to announce we are currently and actively working on the LRPP starting in 2022 to present.
The U’mista Language Revitalization Planning Program (LRPP) is a Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw-run initiative to preserve and promote the Kwak’wala language following its attempted erasure by early Canadian settler institutions. The LRPP involves a comprehensive 12-step plan to accomplish its objectives, the highest three priorities being the establishment of an U’mista Kwak’wala University, the creation of an intergenerational language nest in Alert Bay, and the offering of tiered language classes for Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw community members.

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